
Marketer Condition and Registration Form!

Marketer Terms and Condition

Earn ₦100/NCE Applicant, ₦100/PDE Applicant, ₦50/Degree Applicant that registers via your link

Minimum payout

  • ₦500 for Airtime
  • ₦5000 for Bank Withdrawal
No maximum payout

Payout Date

  • For Airtime, it is Instant
  • Deposit to Marketers Nigerian Bank accounts are done 3 times in a month. Lodgment of funds are done within 48 hours for withdrawal made on or before 12noon of 10th, 20th, and last day of the month.


If you have relations or friends you want to bring but you are not sure of how to go about fill-in the form, visit FCE Obudu Cyber cafe for NCE related forms and Degree Resource Room at Degree Unit for Degree related forms. Make sure your personal marketer referral link is used for the application for you to claim your earnings

Fill-in the Marketer Registration Form below:
Password Repeat:
Full Name:
<<--Enter above Verifier Here
I have read and agreed to above Marketer Terms and Condition